The Day We Met Val from Silly and Jaime from Breakaway!

During our final days in Patnem on the glorious palm fringed beaches of southern Goa, we went to our favourite café for a morning coffee.

Sat in our usual chairs were a couple of people facing each other with MacBooks who looked very involved with something…

“They’ll be using all the cafés bandwidth” I grumbled to Eloise.

Then something clicked in my mind – I recognise these guys from somewhere!

I signed into Twitter and searched out Val. With her back firmly to me and engrosed in some heavy blogging, I fired off a tweet to her…

Like some deranged cyber stalker, I watched the tweet pop up on her screen as she turned around to see two grinning strangers looking at her!

After the panic had died down, we exchanged pleasantries, excused ourselves for our creepiness, and had a nice chat about the trials and tribulations of India!

Val and Jaime!

After another coffee and a bit of travel blog chatter, we went our separate ways and headed back to the beach while they planned out their trip to beautiful Hampi!

It’s a small Travel Blogging world!

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